The Biggest Lies We Tell Ourselves As Momma's.

My house is messy, the laundry mostly clean, but still piled up in baskets waiting to be folded. Little cars, toy animals, and other random toddler paraphernalia is scattered around and about and honestly all over.  Dishes from dinner still aren't done and I just returned home from the store...exhausted and pooped out. Now I'm trying to gear up some sort of energy for putting Grayson to bed by my prego self. All the while, my family is driving in tomorrow from Ohio to visit and I am so not ready for them. I could clean tomorrow, but oh yea,I have a busy, booked up day scheduled to the brim before they arrive. So guess what, it is what it is.  I'm going to get the kiddo to bed, put a relaxing blend of doTERRA essentials oils in the diffuser, roll on some Balance oil and rest. Yes, rest.

This is real life. Not the Joanna Gaines styled kitchen you see on every other mom's instagram except mine. It used to ridiculously bother me. All the mess, the imperfection, the fact that I couldn't keep up with it all. My husband, our toddler, the baby, not to mention my business and myself.  I took it as a personal reflection of how much I was seriously lacking.  That it made me lazy and not good enough. WHAT LIES! Really, think about it. My being crazy overwhelmed, striving for perfection, never stopping and not obtaining my unrealistic goals means I'm lazy? That's crap. I am so thankful that God's truth has been gently starting to speak louder in my ears than the junk I was telling myself.

I now see joy where the toys are because my little guy LOVES his cars and animals so much. Literally, he takes them everywhere. They make me smile because they bring him so much joy!  I love watching him play, the joy it brings me is like no other. I can only imagine how Father God looks at us. 

The laundry, we all have been there where its backed up to kingdom come. But, ya know how blessed I am to have all these clothes to wear? It's a sign of His awesome abundance and provision. So while there are 5 loads to fold, I also find myself blessing all those mommas and papas with 7, 8 even 9 loads to fold in a single day. Seriously, BLESS YOU!  I have baby #2 baking, the laundry avalanche will be here before I know it and I will long for these blessed days.

Dirty dishes backed up, they symbolize a meal spent enjoying each other. Good conversation, giggles, awe over how adorable our kid is and how he may or may not be eating his veggies. Then a quick jumping up to exchange love and goodbyes as Andrew rushes off to work that leaves the mess forgotten momentarily. A job that supports this family so well and we are very thankful for it. Those dishes, they will get washed...eventually. 

Messy house overall-I could kill myself and clean for the next 3 hours, or rest, breath and just be secure in the fact my parents still love me, even with it being less clean than what I would like it to be.  

Instead of seeing lack where I'm "not measuring up " as a mom, I'm choosing to see the incredible blessing a messy home is. It will all be cleaned eventually and I will be worth just as much then, as I am right now. Our standards of perfection will never be truth, not matter how many pics we try to post conveying so on Instagram or Facebook. Will I never be jealous as I scroll through my feed and dream, hope and attempt to meet those standards. Probably every other week at least, but I'm choosing today to let go of the lies, put on some Balance oil and breathe.

The picture below states wise words that my Great Grandmother had up in her house on a sign. I thought it was just funny sign as a kid, and found it to be an excuse of sorts years later when my mother also had the same sign hanging. I judged it and didn't see it's wisdom as a teen. Now, it seems more than appropriate and I absolutely need to get one. Perspective is everything.

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